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CCM Overhead Doors

Your garage door is a very busy part of your house. Fact: garage doors open and close at an average of 1,500 times every year. You probably do not pay that much attention to your garage door because it is easy not to; it is a smooth and efficient system, one of the conveniences that make modern life easy.

But everyday use, combined with the changing of seasons every year, will surely take its toll on your garage door over time. At first, you will not notice the little details – small dents, chipped paint, rust spots, or scratches here and there. The good thing is that this kind of damage is pretty easy to take care of. However, things get a little more difficult when your garage door opener – the device that allows you to open and close your garage door with the touch of a button – starts giving you problems. The most common garage door problems can be remedied either by little tweaks here and there or by calling in the pros who would be more than happy to fix the issue for you.  However, not all garage door problems can be solved through repairs. Sometimes, the problem could only be solved by having a new garage door installed.

But how do you know when repairs are enough or when you need to have your garage door replaced? Here are seven signs that point to a need for a new garage door:

1. You see your garage door repair professional more and more often. If you find yourself calling in for help at an increasing rate, then it is probably high time to have your garage door repaired. Garage doors require regular maintenance, which will only increase in frequency over the years. While there is completely nothing wrong with repairing your garage door, there are times when mere repairs cannot remedy the issue anymore. Even if repairs would provide a temporary fix-up, you would still need to have a new garage door to save yourself the headache of dealing with a problematic garage door and avoid costly repetitive repairs.

2. Your energy bills are rising, despite no changes in consumption. Is your energy bill higher than usual? Your old garage door might be the culprit. The garage door serves as an entryway for most homes, and if your garage door is rather old, it is probably not insulated like newer, more modern models. Why do you need an insulated garage door? A garage door with cracks or gaps or an uninsulated or improperly insulated garage door might let outside temperatures in your home, especially if you have an attached garage. When this happens, your AC or your heater has to work harder than usual to keep indoor temperatures stable, using up more energy and upping your energy costs. Replacing your old garage door with one that has the right insulation will help you conserve energy and make your home more comfortable. 

3. Your garage door has become noticeably noisy. New garage doors operate smoothly and quietly. Over time, however, your garage door can start making noises that might seem like a minor inconvenience that could be remedied by lubrication or simple repairs. When minor repairs cannot get rid of the noise, and the noise begins to sound like your garage door is straining to open or close, then you probably need to have a new garage door installed. 

4. Your garage door is more than 20 years old. Garage doors have a typical lifespan of 30 years. If you have an old home, then chances are, you have an old garage door as well. Aside from the normal wear and tear that your old garage door has gone through, it could also be opening and closing slowly and be less efficient in conserving energy, especially because it does not have the right amount of insulation modern garage doors have. 

5. Your garage door looks worse for wear. An old garage door does not just function less efficiently. It also looks old…and ugly. Sure, the cracks, gaps, and rusted parts could easily be mended by a coat of fresh paint maybe. But when your garage door looks like it has gone through a tough beating, then you might want to start thinking about replacing it. A garage door can take up a big area of your home’s façade and can influence curb appeal a great deal. Even if you are not one to grandly spruce up your house, an unappealing garage door will make your house look like it is falling into a state of disrepair, and therefore uninviting. Today’s garage doors come in many styles, colors, and materials. By replacing your unattractive garage door with one that matches your preferences and the architectural style of your home, your home will be much more appealing. 

6. Your garage door does not have features modern garage doors have. New and modern garage doors come with built-in features that older models do not have. These include technology features like mobile apps that can operate the garage door, and more stringent security and safety features, as well as insulation and even bottom rubber seals. Older garage door models are not only less efficient because they do not have insulation or these other features; they are also less safe and more prone to burglary because their remote controls have fixed codes that could easily be hacked, unlike today’s garage doors

​7. You want to sell your home. As mentioned in the previous points, garage doors make or break the appearance of a home. If you want to sell your home, then you have to make sure that everything about it is visually appealing. A new garage door will help attract potential buyers and increase the value of your home. This means that the more attractive and appealing your home is, the higher you can sell it for, and the higher the return on your investment.

Should you replace the garage door with a new one? If your door functions without flaw or has minor issues that could be easily fixed, then slight repairs are enough. But if you see one or more of the above-mentioned signs, like unusual noises, slow operation, or visible damage, then it is probably time for a new garage door repair. Looking for a high-quality garage door repair? Give CCM Overhead Doors a call, and we’ll help you choose a solution that fits your preferences and your budget.

We’ll Make Your Vision Stand Out

Your vision for your home is something special and you deserve all the help that you can get. As the number one garage door company in Oklahoma City, we have the tools to provide you with that help. Whether it’s through garage door installation, repair, maintenance, or any other garage door-related service, you can count on us as we are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to make your vision not just a reality, but actually stand out!


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